Project: Orinda, CA

Project Highlights

Spout and gutter system

These particular pieces were hand crafted and molded to fit the intricate and diverse angles of the house. The water collectors were a made of a bronze alloy with copper ornamentation.

You can see that these designs are classic in nature inherited from French architecture.  The gutters and drains were bent copper sheet interconnected to the water collector system spanning the entire circumference of the house.  The images really show the scope and breadth of the project.

A truly enjoyable project that required a lot of patience and consistency.  Art is often times the child of patience and dedication.  Once one is truly immersed in a project they are able to see art unfolding before their eyes.  It is important to stay open minded throughout a creative project because it allows the creator to identify opportunities for some creative diversions that tend to pay dividends on the final product.